Wildlife Client Service
thursday, 13 october 2011, 11:45 am
Founded in 2008 on commission for the Whitney Biennial of Contemporary Art in New York, the eighth inception of Haeg's project opens in London at Arup, one of the leading engineering and design firms. The mission of Animal Estates is to identify the original wildlife of distinctly urban communities: to commemorate extinct breeds and to celebrate what still exists in these environments.
Amazonia – Paths to the Indians
tuesday, 5 july 2011, 12:54 am
Amazonia often figures in the news and on the front pages of newspapers. Public attention turns at times to its unmatched natural wealth or the destruction of that wealth, at other times to its “savage” inhabitants living out of sight. Almost every day we hear about the disappearance of its unique flora and fauna, of the processes that may be having a harmful impact on the atmosphere of the entire planet.
Design for take-away!
monday, 28 march 2011, 10:21 am
The 2011 Spring Kreatimm Design Fair accompanies the annual Exhibition of the Kozma Lajos Craft Arts Scholarship and Moholy-Nagy Design Grant Holders. This time we put the emphasis on those particular artists, who were introduced this year or the previous years on the scholarship display.
Raindance teams up with Budapest’s Titanic Film Festival
monday, 17 january 2011, 12:05 am
Raindance has formed a partnership with the Titanic Film Festival, Hungary’s foremost international film fest. According to the deal Titanic, running from April 7th to the 17th, will program a selection of Raindance’s famous 99-minute film schools, to be organized by Raindance’s Budapest office, and screen a sidebar showcasing the best films from the last Raindance Film Festival. In turn, Titanic will offer a selection of Hungarian films for next year’s Raindance Film Festival in London, to be held this year from September 28th to October 9th.
monday, 29 november 2010, 12:40 am
Ilona Németh dates back to 2009, when they held a joint exhibition at the City Gallery in Bratislava. The show was inspired by the continuous deterioration of Slovak-Hungarian relations – primarily in the field of politics and media. The Hungarian and the Slovakian artist started a conversation and a collaboration.
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Ide jöhet majd a bemutatkozó szöveg
Ide jöhet majd a bemutatkozó szöveg
Szép Ernőhőz, a neves íróhoz bekopogott egy fiatalember. – Művész úr – mondta alázatos hangon – nemrég elküldtem önnek a novellámat. Tudja, azt az igen eredeti témájú novellát! Méltóztatott már elolvasni?
Örkény István a XX. század derekán alkotott. Az akkori kor (főként a politikai réteg) nem nagyon ismerte el munkásságát, sőt, nem nagyon kedvelte azt. Ezért aztán Örkény úgy döntött, hogy önként felhagy hivatásával, s megpróbálkozik az újságírással.
„ Számomra az öregkor mindig tizenöt évvel több, mint amiben éppen vagyok."
Bernard M. Baruch
Az oldalt fejlesztette és üzemelteti az Ergo System
Művészeti Szakszervezetek Szövetsége